-----Original Message-----
Sent: Sunday, July 24, 2016 14:58
Subject: Re: Is it time to shut down this effort?
Post by Keith N. McKennaMy answer to the question posed in the tittle of this e-mail
unfortunately is yes. We have been moving by fits and starts for
Post by Keith N. McKenna4 years and have very little to show for it. I would like to hear the
opinions of others though.
(I know this conversation moved to the dev list, but I'm answering here
since it fits here)
There is some significant work done and we shouldn't throw it away.
Everything is on the wiki, so we could just keep what we have and
dispose of the process.
I mean: we can link to the (unfinished) new documentation from the wiki
home page, design some template saying "This page is part of an
unfinished documentation effort, please e-mail [this list] if you'd like
to contribute" and put it on all pages that are still unfinished or just
a title.
Then the risk is to lose a bit of oversight and consistency, but at
least we show what we have and we give people the opportunity to help if
the wish.
By the way, thanks Keith for your documentation efforts so far. And if I
were you, I would simply relax the process and be available for creating
accounts for new volunteers and give advice when needed. This way we
don't have to close or undo anything.